[科幻游戏] [VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack

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[VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack
游戏英文名:Space Viking Raiders VR
游戏支持设备:HTC VIVE Valve Index Oculus 微软MR 大朋VR
游戏简介:-VR改编为热门的《太空海盗》攻略,支持Vive,Occulus,WMR和所有其他基于SteamVR的设备! -在线合作社广告系列-在线进行整个广告系列,并与您的朋友一起! -独特的基于物理的能力和武器-粉碎了即将来临的外星人成群! -创新的虫群游戏-塑造和操纵即将来临的敌人编队,以最大程度地破坏! -深度战术游戏-只有最好的维京人才能掌握最困难的困难并获得高分。 要克服最大的困难,需要高度的合作和个人技巧。 对弱者的警告! -从3个维度的敌人群中爆炸! 与Federites的舰队作战,面对Sluglings血腥的恐怖,并感受到Sugarfiends的愤怒。 袭击他们的家园,摧毁他们的建筑物,突袭他们的土地,并夺走您所追求的元素!

Story and Mechanics

Space Viking Raiders is a co-op action role-playing game set in a comedic, sci-fi multiverse. 1 to 4 people can play the 3-5 hour campaign through ONLINE MULTIPLAYER!! Our badass energy axes and special abilities are similar to popular MOBA mechanics

Choose 1 of 4 Space Vikings, raid other dimensions and engage thousands of aliens in intense futuristic combat. Launch your destructive onslaught with 10 devastating abilities that will obliterate enemies and landscapes alike. Use brute force and aggression to smash through enemy waves or pick your moment and strike with tactical precision. Once you’ve vaporized all foes in your path you must destroy the enemy base with it’s spawners, energy shields and defensive turrets. In the center of each base, the “heart building”, destroy it, the base crumbles and you’ll claim it’s precious Elementium. 

Take advantage of different play styles and abilities using complimentary weapon systems to line up the best combos. When you and your fellow raiders run out of Energy, you’ll have to maneuver and melee, timing your attacks just right to keep the enemies at bay. Navigating the alien worlds will be a perilous venture and require careful platforming skills. As you move through canyons, over archipelagos and across the sugary desserts, you’ll have to bounce over cliffs, carefully maneuver moving platforms and avoid destroying the very ground under your feet.



[VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack [VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack [VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack [VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack [VR交流学习] 太空维京掠夺者(Space Viking Raiders VR)vr game crack

百度网盘:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MAP0IeF1FKIKygNagFDj6w  提取码:
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